April 27, 2023,Shanghai TCab Technology Co., Ltd. and the Civil Aviation Flight University of China (hereinafterreferred to as "CAFUC") signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Bothparties are committed to long-term, in-depth and comprehensive cooperation to upliftthe electric aviation and eVTOL industry by bolstering the eVTOL flightstandards, flight test, air traffic controls, aircraft maintenance and todevelop a world class talents pool. At the signing ceremony was Mr.Tang Qingru, DeputyDean of CAFUC, Mr.Wei Lin, Dean of the University of Flight Technology, Mr.Yon WuiNG, Founder and CEO of TCab Tech, and Mr.Jiang Jun, Co-Founder and CMO.


Agreement wassigned by Mr.Yon Wui NG (third from left), CEO of TCab Technology, and Mr.TangQingru (third from right), Deputy Dean of CAFUC.

The cooperationof the two parties also includes strategies to propel China’s carbon peakingand carbon neutrality goals by accelerating the adoption of greenelectrification of aircraft by China civil aviation industry.


The Civil Aviation Flight University of China, founded in 1956, is the China Civil Aviation Administration’s Institute of higher learning, and is jointly established by the Administration and the Sichuan Province. For more than 60 years, the university has nurtured world class talents for the China's civil aviation industry. CAFUC is recognised as one of the world's leading civil aviation professional pilot training university. Graduates of the university accounts for more than 70% of the pilots and 80% of the captains of the China's civil aviation industry.


eVTOL aircraft industry is drawing global attention and interest amongst investors. As the leading Tilt-rotor configuration eVTOL maker in China, TCab Tech’s partnership with the university intents to help nurture more civil aviation talents and to advance the design and technology of eVTOL aircrafts “Made in China” for the global market. 

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